How to make money online in South Africa

How to make money online in South Africa

It is completely possible to make money online in South Africa. There are so many possibilities online you thatsimply need to pick the program that you like and stick to it for  a substantial amount of time and you will make money. With my experience I have listed below the top 6 ways which one can make money online at home in South Africa.


Affiliate Marketing in South Africa

The easiest way to explain affiliate marketing is that it is a way of making money online whereby you as a publisher are rewarded for helping a business by promoting their product, service or site.There are a number of forms of these types of promotions but in most cases they involve you as a publisher earning a commission when someone follows a link on your blog to another site where they then buy something.Other variations on this are where you earn an amount for referring a visitor who takes some kind of action – for example when they sign up for a competition and give an email address, or they complete a survey, where they leave a name and address etc.Commissions are often a percentage of a sale but can also be a fixed amount per conversion.

Examples of Affiliate Marketing are  Affiliate Network, Affiliate SA, Offerforge, Admarula  and Public Ideas.

Google Adsense In South Africa

Google Ad Sense  a product of Google which was launched 2003 which permits website owners to dynamically serve content relevant advertisements on web content.It has become main source of income for most of the professional bloggers, You Tubers, and website owners. Every time you read a blog  or an online newspaper you may have seen an advertisement of any product or an advertisement of service provided by any company. That’s the simplest example I can give of Google Ad Sense.

Similarly in YouTube when you click on a video to watch it, a video which is hosted by a popular You Tuber before the video starts there is pop up advertisement which is durable for 10 to 15 seconds or in between the video that’s another example of Ad Sense.

Note:- 68 percent of the amount an advertiser pays per click on their ads on your site is your income. The rest is Google’s commission fee.

Forex Market Trading in South Africa

Forex Market Trading,just like trading in shares, is an act of you buying foreign currency at bid price and selling it at higher price in future to make profit. Forex Market is the place where one can trade in currencies. Price of one currency is always determined in another currency because you always buy one currency using another currency i.e. you trade in ‘currency pair’. The price is always given as USD/INR, GBP/USD, etc. using Standardised Currency Code.

Foreign Exchange change all the time due to various factors, and forex traders attempt to make profit from these changes. Forex market is the largest, most liquid financial market in the world. It operates 24 hours a day and is commonly separated into four sessions: The Sydney session, the Tokyo session, the London session, and the New York session.

Selling Photos in South Africa

You must have heard from someone about earning money online by selling your photos online, then you heard it right. There are a bunch of sites that appreciate your creative art of capturing wonderful photos and help you sell your photos.

Here are the top website to sell your photographs online:

Thats it folks, any question you free to post a comment below and we will answer your questions as soon as possible





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